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Business Name Generator - Discover Your Next Brand

Step 1

Enter your name, business name, idea for a new brand ..

Step 2

Look at the results

The results show domain names which are available to purchase today.

Choose from the best domains for business ending with .COM, .UK and hundreds of new domain endings such as .WALES, .XYZ, .BLOG. If you see a top name that matches your business, stop there - you’ve got your business name.

Be sure to review the tips below about how to find a valuable business name and things to watch out for.

Exact match search results.

Step 3

Look at the auto-generated suggestions

If your top choices are not available, look at results marked as an ‘alternative suggestion’ - these are domain name suggestions that may be closely related to your search term, that are available to purchase today.

The alternative suggestions are auto-generated using sophisticated domain suggestion technology. These are likely candidates for a new business name.

Netistrar's Name Generated Results

Top tips

Avoid business names which are taken

If a domain name is ‘taken’ then somebody else has thought of your idea for a business name, brand or product first. The domain space is competitive and you will have to spend money make your brand stand out.

The shorter the better

Short domain names are easier for marketing and branding, easier to remember, easier to spell, and worth more on the secondary markets. If you find a short name, well done.

Grab the .COM first, then the .UK, .WALES etc.

The most successful brands go for the .COM first, followed by .UK domains in the UK, .WALES domains in Wales, etc.

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Lucien Taylor

Lucien is a Founder of Netistrar. Following a successful career as an actor, he then went on to work as a security expert, engineer and marketer in the domain name industry for over 20 years.

Published: , 276 Words.

